Shipping nationwide can seem daunting at first for many bidorbuy sellers but, with uAfrica’s Shipping Zones you can charge for shipping based on your buyer’s postcode in relation to your warehouse. Shipping charges are customised by you!
What is uAfrica’s Shipping Zones?
With uAfrica Shipping Zones you can configure shipping zones based on the service levels and custom rates given to you by a courier. Those rates are then presented to your customers in the Shipping & Payments tab on bidorbuy based on their South African postcode.
- More competitive shipping costs
- Let your buyers know exactly what they will be charged
- Charge rates for different service levels (Overnight, Economy, etc)
- Get quotes from more than one courier for comparisons
- Give your buyers automatic updates
- Track orders from within bidorbuy using their order number
- Easily scalable
- Better access to people in outlying areas
How is it integrated?
Your buyer enters their suburb and postal code in the Shipping & Payments tab of the listing and the system automatically presents the most relevant shipping rates to them based on their zone classification and order weight.
The app has preconfigured custom zones set up for Local, Main Centre and Regional shipping based on how common carriers charge for shipments. You can edit zones, add zones and even classify postcodes into different zones, giving you more control over your shipping rates presented to customers.
Shipping Zones can be used on uAfrica’s paid plans, starting from R99 per month. You do not need to have a Shopify store, simply sign up with uAfrica, link your bidorbuy account and off you go!
For more information email or phone 012 940 1060 to speak to one of the team.