Tracking notifications

Tracking notifications

Tracking notifications refers to updates and details about the status and progress of customer’s shipments and typically includes the tracking number, order information, and courier details. Tracking notifications are crucial for customers as it allows them to monitor the whereabouts of their package and anticipate its arrival.

This feature allows you to customise and enhance a customer’s buying experience. Set-up, edit and personalise the emails that are sent to customers as their parcel goes through the delivery process.

Emails are sent from Bob Go, with the from name and reply-to email of the merchant.

Add custom text with basic markup in predefined places on the template.

Show or hide email sections and customise the footer image. The choice is yours.

Provide a better overall customer experience with the design and functionality.

Setting up and editing tracking notifications

To set up or edit notification emails, navigate to settings in the left navigation panel and select notifications in the top menu. Use the pencil icon to edit the template and customise the email. Once the required changes have been made, send a test email or save the template.

Email templates

It is very important to set the default “From name” and reply-to email address that email notifications will include. You are also able to specify who receives the email notifications and at what point during the fulfillment process. Simply tick or untick the boxes to completely customise when the delivery or collection contact receives these emails.