The 2013 South African eCommerce Award Winners Announced – OUTDATED

The Winners of the 8th annual South African eCommerce Awards were announced yesterday (Wednesday 11 September) at the 2013 eCommerce Conference held at the Sandton Convention Centre.

Yuppiechef walked away with the award for Best Shopping Process as well as the award for Best eCommerce website.

“The competition was tough this year. The final results were neck on neck with a very small margin separating the Winners from the Runners up” stated Andy Higgins, Managing Director of took first place for South Africa’s Favourite eCommerce followed closely by bidorbuy and also came out on top winning the award for Best Website Usability.

The Winners in the 2013 South African eCommerce Awards: winner of the South Africa’s Favourite eCommerce Award
Yuppiechef winner of the Best eCommerce Website Award
Groupon – South Africa winner of the Best eCommerce Mobile Website Award winner of the Best Website Usability Award
Yuppiechef winner of the Best Shopping Process Award
Bidorbuy winner of the Best Customer Service Award

The South African eCommerce Awards congratulates all the Winners and Runners Up  in the 2013 South African eCommerce Awards.

The 2013 South African eCommerce Awards are brought to you by and sponsored by AramexSA, PayFast, Memeburn, MyBroadband and