uAfrica Events 2018 – OUTDATED

This page is a list of the events we host around South Africa such as the Shopify Meetups as well as eCommerce Summits and conferences.

Shopify Meetups:

Our Meetups are free to attend and usually take place on a Saturday morning from 08h30 – 12h00.  We try include some breakfast nibbles where we can, to make sure our attendees pay attention during the morning.

The morning usually runs a bit like this:

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Shopify Meetup Dates – 2018

We move around the country between Jo’burg, Pretoria and Cape Town with the majority of meetups happening in Jo’burg.  So take a look, book the event that you want to attend and come join us to help you get started with your online journey and if you have any questions or queries about booking you can call us on 012 940 1060 or email us at

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